Workshop in-situ 2- Alimentation at stake

6 days in France with 30 international students and 15 partners from Italy, Greece and France in august 2022

Learning process and activities : 

The pedagogical objective of this workshop consisted to activate La Place des Possibles on different scales:

  • To participate in the production of tools and actions necessary for the daily life of the place and for the public events that animate it;
  • To work on the organization of public events to make the place resonate in the surrounding area: to make it known, to increase its frequentation and, if necessary, to attract new future residents.

The prototypes produced during the previous workshop (May 2022) were used as a starting point for a new reflection, which leads to the reorganization of the central stationary kitchen and the creation of a mobile kitchen, but also to the production of a series of podcasts on the theme of food, posters and signage flags, and the finalization of the fanzine

Building :

Design and build 2 mobile kitchen with reused materials from the site.

Mapping :

Exploration of the territory restored through drawings, posters and podcasts


Organising different events in the territory (by the river, on the main public square of the village, …). Self management for food and cooking issues.


Edition and production of a fanzine titled “Without care buildings collapse”

Program :

The workshop week was built around three sessions :

  • discussion session : presentations, lectures on targeted themes (work in architectural collectives, outdoor pedagogies, commons places), exchanges on outdoor pedagogy and profession evolution in the different countries (France, Italy, Greece);
  • co-design and co-production session : in groups, according to targeted topics, to produce tools and supports for the users of La Place des Possibles and local actors;
  • community management session : collective preparation of shared meals and evening events, cleaning of the premises, tidying up. Each session was a source of individual and collective learning, theoretical, technical and social, on co-construction, profession and community life, resource management, organization and group logistics. The convivial and more informal moments were opportunities for social learning, exchange and confrontation between students and stakeholders. Three public evening events took place in the public space, which encouraged the inhabitants to participate and exchange with the students.

Teams :

The students were divided into 4 groups are organized according to a production theme:

  • the construction of a mobile kitchen;
  • the production of a sensitive poster of the territory;
  • the production of a fanzine
  • the activation of the place

One additional group (preparation of meals) required the participation of volunteer students, as well as a rotation. To ensure transversality between the groups, 3 “meta-groups”, formed by two people from each working group, met once a day to discuss the productions and decide on the final joint restitution event.