During the second workshop in France in August 2022, we talked each other about what we feel like an architect’s identity crisis and our anxiety about the future – and the future of their practices.
We agreed on something that became the theme of our editorial team : that “care” could be a great way to overcome these issues and draw new and less anxious perspectives. We ended up with a printed fanzine that disseminated all the contents that were created with two different teams of students of various ages and skills : drawings, theoretical writings, cross-word and theater piece.
If constructing new buildings are too ressources-consuming, if giving orders to subordinate low-paid workers is unethical, and if buildings are new products on a market with high profits to a few privileged ones, then maybe the word architect is obsolete and we have to invent new words to describe new type of professions. And if not, what if architects would care of what is here instead of instigating their own views on top of the world ? We had daily open talks about books that students could choose among a selection we prepared
Bibliography (Collectif Etc proposal)
COLOMINA Beatriz, GALAN Ignacio G., KOTSIORIS Evangelos, MEISTER Anna-Maria (dir.),
« Radical Pedagogies », MIT Press ed., 2022
DE CARLO Giancarlo,
« Architecture et Liberté », du Linteau ed., 2004
DEAN Andra Oppenheimer,
« Rural Studio : Samuel Mockbee and an architecture of decency», Princeton Architectural Press ed., 2022
« Deschooling society », Seuil ed., 1971
« Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture », Routeldge ed., 2013
«The School and Society: Being Three Lectures»,University of Chicago 1899
NGO Anh-Linh, GATTI Mirko, HILLER Christian, KALDENHOFF Max, GRUBER Stefan (CMU),
« An Atlas of Commoning – Places of Collective Production », Arch+ ed., 2018
« La Biorégion Urbaine – Petit traité sur le territoire comme bien en commun », Eterotopia ed., 2014
Encore Heureux (dir.),
« Infinite Places – Constructing buildings or places ? », B42 ed., 2018
DONAT-CATTIN Natalie (dir.),
« Collective Processes », Birkhauser ed., 2021
« Entretien avec Saul Alinsky – Organisation communautaire et radicalité », Editions du Commun ed., 2018
MENU,Flavien (dir.),
« New Commons for Europe », Spector Books ed., 2018