Radically Optimistic Architectural Pedagogies in Precarious Times

This essay was written by Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture...

Pour une Habilitation à la Déprise d’Oeuvre en Contexte Collectif (HDOCC)

Professionnaliser les pratiques alternatives d’architecture au-delà de la maîtrise d’œuvr...

ToC2, to Common, to care.

Empowering Student-Led Transformations: A Student Team Building Commons through Collaborative Design, Ethical Practice and Transdisciplinary Learning.

Building an infrastructure of care

The role of design in rethinking community practices and collective spaces

« Belmondo’s logbook »

An overview of the activities carried out during the August workshop of 2023.

« Seigle, pietre e fibre » 

A temporary exhibition on the use of local materials in the architectural construction of our common spaces.

Teaching architecture «beyond the walls»

"Situational, experimental, and collaborative-cooperative pedagogies in architecture schools"

Feedback on educational situations

Learning from "outside the walls" to think about the future of careers and education.

Cultural Reflections

What do we mean when we use the word “Commons”?

“La Place Tropicale”

An imaginative approach to collaboration and learning among students, professionals, and educators

Reuse in architecture

An introduction to the notion of reuse regarding architectural projects at various scales

“Without care buildings collapse”

A collective fanzine issue made on site during a workshop session