The international scientific symposium ” EVOLUTIONS OF THE PROFESSIONS RELATED TO THE MAKING OF THE INHABITED TERRITORIES EMERGENCES. TRANS’FORMATIONS. HYBRIDIZATIONS. BLURRING ” took place on May 2023 at the Grenoble School of Architecture. The event was organized by the academic partners of the ENSA Grenoble. It constitutes the second multiplier event of the ASOC project, specific to the French cycle (2021-22).
This symposium is co-organized by students in master graduation program «AUEP Architecture, Urbanism and Political Studies» (ENSAG, IUGA, Sciences Po Grenoble – UGA) in the context of the seminar «Professions of the production of inhabited territories», accompanied by Thea Manola (pedagogical responsable for the seminairy) and Roberta Ghelli. This symposium is realized in partnership with the Network of activities and professions in architecture and urbanism (RAMAU) and is in the wake of the French works gathered in the past 20 years in this framework.
For several decades, research has sought to understand, describe and qualify the changes in the professions and professional practices involved in the making of inhabited territories. In this context, from the 2000s, this question has been concentrated around strong themes: ecological issues; democratic issues and participation ; relations between public and private stake holders; technical issues, particularly those related to the development of digital
tools… These issues, although stated some time ago, still seem to be topical in the questioning of professionals.
Within these evolutions, the term «alternative» is often used, particularly in training establishments, to evoke processes of reinvention
of certain practices. The intense dynamic around the creation of collectives of architects, landscape architects, and urban planners and
designers that began in the 1990s in France and in Europe illustrates, among other things, a certain reflexivity regarding professional practices, the postures and roles of professionals in these fields (Macaire, 2014; Atelier Georges and Rollot, 2018; Langage, Monnot, Berri, 2018).
The collectives seem to crystallize many of the strong themes participating in the evolutions of professions and professional practices. In these frameworks, we often find experimental approaches, with the will to reinvest the spatial project in its political, social and cultural dimensions and, in this respect or by reaffirming the place of the inhabitants in the making of territories. In the same way as certain public stake holders (Lapostolle, 2021),
this practices defend inhabitants’ mobilizations values, and will to accompany the empowerment of populations, self-construction, frugality, ecology.
Here the presentation of the symposium in FR and EN.